COROIO: NNet::TFinalAwaiter< T > Struct Template Reference
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NNet::TFinalAwaiter< T > Struct Template Reference

Final awaiter for a coroutine. More...

#include <corochain.hpp>

Public Member Functions

bool await_ready () noexcept
std::coroutine_handle await_suspend (std::coroutine_handle< TPromise< T > > h) noexcept
void await_resume () noexcept

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
struct NNet::TFinalAwaiter< T >

Final awaiter for a coroutine.

TFinalAwaiter is used during the final suspension of a coroutine. When the coroutine completes, this awaiter ensures that the caller coroutine (whose handle is stored in the promise) is resumed. This mechanism allows proper chaining of asynchronous operations.

Template Parameters
TThe return type of the coroutine.

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