▼NNNet | |
CTAddress | A class representing an IPv4 or IPv6 address (with port) |
CTArenaAllocator | Arena allocator to preallocate memory for IOCP events |
CTByteReader | A utility for reading data from a socket-like object, either a fixed number of bytes or until a specified delimiter |
CTByteWriter | A utility for writing data to a socket-like object |
CTEPoll | Linux-specific poller implementation using epoll |
CTEvent | |
CTFileHandle | Asynchronous file handle that owns its file descriptor |
CTFileOps | |
CTFinalAwaiter | Final awaiter for a coroutine |
CTFuture | Future type for coroutines returning a value of type T |
CTFuture< void > | Future specialization for coroutines that return void |
CTFutureBase | Base future type for coroutines |
CTHandlePair | |
CTHostPort | |
CTInitializer | |
CTIOCp | IOCP-based poller for asynchronous I/O on Windows |
CTKqueue | Poller implementation using kqueue (for macOS and FreeBSD) |
CTLine | |
CTLineReader | Reads a complete line from a socket using a zero-copy line splitter |
CTLineSplitter | Splits incoming data into lines using a circular buffer of fixed capacity |
CTLoop | A generic event loop wrapper that uses TSelect as its poller |
CTPoll | Poller implementation based on the poll() system call |
CTPollerBase | Base class for pollers managing asynchronous I/O events and timers |
CTPollerDrivenFileHandle | Asynchronous file handle driven by the poller's implementation |
CTPollerDrivenSocket | Socket type driven by the poller's implementation |
CTPromise | Promise for coroutines that return a value of type T |
CTPromise< void > | Promise specialization for coroutines that return void |
CTPromiseBase | Base promise type for coroutines |
CTResolvConf | Reads and stores DNS configuration from a file or an input stream |
CTResolver | Resolves hostnames into IP addresses using a custom poller |
CTSelect | Poller implementation based on the select() system call |
CTSocket | High-level asynchronous socket for network communication |
▼CTSocketBase | Template base class implementing asynchronous socket I/O operations |
CTAwaitable | |
CTSocketBase< void > | Internal base class encapsulating a socket (or file) descriptor and its poller |
CTSockOps | |
CTSslContext | Encapsulates an OpenSSL context (SSL_CTX) with optional logging |
CTSslSocket | Implements an SSL/TLS layer on top of an underlying connection |
CTStructReader | A utility for reading a fixed-size structure of type T from a socket-like object |
CTTimer | |
CTUring | Poller implementation based on io_uring |
CTVoidPromise | |
CTVoidSuspendedPromise | |
CTVoidSuspendedTask | |
CTVoidTask | |
CTWebSocket | Implements a WebSocket protocol layer on top of a given socket |
CTZeroCopyLineSplitter | Splits incoming data into lines using a fixed-size circular buffer, enabling zero-copy writes via Acquire() and Commit() |
CSelf | A minimal example of a coroutine "awaitable" object |